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The Fig Garden Optometry Team

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Fig Garden Optometry a proud provider of vision care products and services in Fresno.

Our Doctors

The combination of our doctors’ individual talents provides an exceptional eye care experience. While each doctor is licensed at the highest level, they all have different areas of interest and expertise, never hesitating to work together on the care of our patients.

Our Team

Juanita and Maria handle the front office and are often the first voices you hear on the phone. They will answer your questions about scheduling, appointments and help determine your plan coverage. Stacy handles the finances, she will help you sort our your costs and help with financing, billing and insurance coverage. Debbie, Krystal and Mckenzy are our specialists in the area of optical care. They provide information and support for your eyewear selection, lens choices, repairs, and satisfaction with your glasses. Vanessa and Nina are our technical patient care champions!

All our staff can provide contact lens training, specialized measurements, and imaging of the eye, explain contact lenses and help out in the optical as well. These individuals have many years of experience in customer service and in the optical industry; seeing their familiar faces will help make your visit to our office a familiar and comfortable one.

Schedule an appointment with an experienced eye care provider at our Fresno optometrist office, and give your vision the level of care and attention it deserves.

Our Founding Doctors

Completing their optometry training together in 1978, Drs. Terry and Kristine Cole moved to Fresno and worked side-by-side; seeing patients in the office and giving back to the community for 39 years!

Though no longer seeing patients, their influence in the quality care Fig Garden Optometry provides continues to flourish. They will be missed by the entire FGO team and the many patients who were seen by them.